
Showing posts from December, 2020

How are the cat’s whiskers useful ?

  How are the cat’s whiskers useful ?   The cat’s whiskers function like sensors, which send all kinds of information to the brain. Without them,the cat would becompletely lost! They help the cat localize the source of an odour, measure distance and even evaluate the wind force that indicates thekind of spring needed before jumping. These specialized hairs aid vision and help a kitty navigate his environment, providing additional sensory input, much like antennae on insects. "Although whiskers are called “tactile hairs”, they don't actually feel anything." Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Do eggs always contain chicks ?

  Do eggs always contain chicks ?   The hen lays eggs almost every day, but only those that have been fertilized contain an embryonic chick. The majority of eggs bought in shops are unfertilized eggs and do not contain chicks. Much to contrary belief, neither fertilized nor unfertilized eggs contain chicks that are meant to be born. To make a chick, a hen has to mate with a rooster.  For a chick to be formed inside an egg, the fertilized egg needs to develop into an embryo. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How does the refrigerator keep cold ?

How does the refrigerator keep cold ?  The refrigerator does not produce 'cold', it removes heat. Liquid refrigerant' is circulated in the refrigerator, which becomes gaseous when passing through pipes. When this liquid become gaseous, it absorbs heat. And that helps in keeping the food items cold.   The compressor is the "heart" of a refrigerator. ... The evaporator is located inside a refrigerator and is the part that makes the items in the refrigerator cold. As the refrigerant turns from a liquid into a gas through evaporation, it cools the area around it, producing the proper environment for storing food. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How often do the Scots wear kilts?

How often do the Scots wear kilts ? Most Scots wear this skirt called the kilt only for important occasions, Such as festivals, Distinguished Scottish families have each always had their own style of the kilt with special patterns and folds.  Today most Scottish people regard kilts as formal dress or national dress. Although there are still a few people who wear a kilt daily, it is generally owned or hired to be worn at weddings or other formal occasions and may be worn by anyone regardless of nationality or descent. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

At what age did Mozart learn to play their harpsichord ?

  At what age did Mozart learn to play their harpsichord ?   Born in 1756 in Austria, it was at the age of three that young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart pounded on the harpsichord's keys, imitating his big sister like any other child might have done. His musician father started teaching him how to play at the age of four. Mozart loved it and right from the age of five, he began composing simple melodies  .  Young Mozart showed evidence of great musical talent at a very early age. He was playing the harpsichord and the violin at the age of five, and writing little pieces of music . Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates

How is sea water harvested ?

  How is sea water harvested ? The methods can be divided into membrane-based and thermal-based methods. The traditional process of desalination is distillation, of seawater to leave salt and impurities behind. The salt worker,who harvests the salt, introduces sea water into basins on the ground. The water evaporates in the Sun and leaves a fine layer of salt on the surface of the basins. The salt worker then harveststhe salt with a big toothless rake. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What is the difference between yoghurt and cream?

  What is the difference between yoghurt and cream ? 1. Yogurt is fermented milk, while sour cream is made of fermented dairy cream. 2. The bacteria introduced to make sour cream is different from the ones used in yogurt. When some harmless bacteria are introduced in milk, it ferments, Solidifies and changes taste: this is yogurt. Fresh cream is the fatty part of milk. It is separated from the rest by letting the milk stand, or by churning it very fast in a centrifuge. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What purpose do the Duck’s webbed feet serve ?

 W hat purpose do the Duck’s webbed feet serve ? Ducks use their feet to swim. Their webbed feet are uniquely designed to help them move through the water. A duck's foot has the ability to become wider. Ducks use their webbed feet like paddles to provide more surface to push against the water. The taut skin between the duck's toes increases the surface of resistance in water and enables the duck to move forward. As it does not have fins to orient itself, its webbed feet also help it to change direction. Very useful in water, the webbed feet are less practical when walking! Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Is the humpback whale humpbacked ?

 Is the humpback whale humpbacked ? The humpback whale is a species of baleen whale. It is one of the larger rorqual species, with adults ranging in length from 12–16 m and weighing around 25–30 t. The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. If some people are of the opinion that this whale owes its name to the little bumps that it has on its head, they are mistaken! It is because of its diving style that it is called the humpback whale; it 'humps up' - rounding their  back- well above the sea surface! Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Why was the Eiffel Tower constructed ?

Why was the Eiffel Tower constructed ?  French civil engineer and architect Gustave Eiffel imagined and Constructed this 300m high iron tower to represent France at the Universal Exposition in the year 1889. Some people found it ugly,   but everyone admired its construction! Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How is perspiration helpful ?

 How is perspiration helpful ? Perspiration or sweat lowers the human body temperature. When the temperature surpasses around 37 degrees Centigrade, the sweat glands in the skin produce little drops of water which is called perspiration. By capturing the body heat, these droplets cool the body by reducing the body temperature .The heat then transforms them into water vapour. And we the cooling effect. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Why do spiders weave a web ?

Why do spiders weave a web ?   The spider weaves its web to feed! This invisible and sticky web traps all insects that come close to it. When an insect is captured, the spider is warned by a thread that connects it to the web. If the web vibrates, that means the meal is ready! How wonderful is god’s creation ? Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Who first walked on the moon ?

  Who first walked on the moon ? On 21st July in the year 1969, The American astronaut Neil Armstrong set his foot on moon and then  planted his country’s flag. In a choked voice he declared, 'That is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Since then, only 11 more men have walked on the Moon.  Don’t that sound very much interesting and crazy. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What is the difference between a penguin and an auk ?

  What is the difference between a penguin and an auk ? The auk lives in the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere and it can fly and it  is not more than 40 cm  in height. The better- known penguin, its distant cousin, lives in the  South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere. It has wings, but does  not know how to fly but it can swim! It can measure up to 1 metre in height. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How are tiger’s stripes useful ?

How are tiger’s stripes useful ?  The tiger's stripes help it to camouflage like a chameleon  or hide itself among the grass, leaves and trees when it is about to hunt down its prey. They also serve to distinguish it from its fellow creatures. Surprisingly, no two tigers have similar stripes . Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Why does the angelfish have an eye drawn at its rear ?

  Why does the angelfish have an eye drawn at its rear ? The round shape that seems to be drawn on the angelfish protects it from predators , who try to hunt them down. Strangely, as it resembles an eye, those who prey on the angelfish think that it is fleeing by swimming backwards. They are so taken aback that they give up the chase! Isn’t that, so very much strange and interesting . Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What does a lightning conductor do on a building ?

What does a lightning conductor do on a building ?   These lightning conductors installed  on rooftops, the lightning conductor is similar to a metal antenna extended by a long cable. Attracted to this object pointing towards the blue sky, the lightning follows the cable, which goes right into the earth, and therefore, does not enter the building at any cost. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Why did we type www on the Internet ?

 Why did we type www on the Internet ? The address of an Internet site is similar to a postal address to which the letter is mailed. When the Internet started, we had to type in ‘www’ to indicate where the particular site that we were looking for was stored. It refers to the World Wide Web. Nowadays, the www prefix is mostly not necessary for searching anything on internet . Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What are dreams ?

What are dreams  ? Our eyes are like a camera that registers everything we  see during our life . Dreams are stories and pictures our brain creates when we go into deep sleep. Most dreams happen during the time of night when we are most deeply asleep, but recent studies show that we can dream at just about any time of the night. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What purpose does the sawfish’s daw serve ?

What purpose does the sawfish’s daw serve ?   The sawfish's 'nose is lined with teeth that looks like a saw. When the sawfish shakes its head in a school of fish, its preys are harpooned by its pointed teeth.The saw also helps to scare its predators. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Where do tears come from ?

  Where do tears come from ? Tears are produced by the lachrymal' glands located above the eyes. Thanks to them, our eyes remain constantly moistened to clean out dust particles. When we are sad or in pain, the brain triggers an intense production of tears; the lachrymal glands overflow and we cry. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Does it hurt the horse when it is being shoed ?

 Does it hurt the horse when it is being shoed ? You have seen horses with horseshoes and must have wondered if it hurts the horse to have them puton. The farrier places the iron and the nails in the horn of the horse's hoof. The animal does not feel anything as the horn is a kind of very thick toe not sensitive. It grows at the rate of 1 cm per month. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Can a fish drown ?

 Can a fish drown ?  Fish are physically incapable of drowning because they have gills, not lungs. They can die if there's not enough dissolved oxygen in the water which would make them suffocate, technically. So, if you've wondered can fish drown, the answer is no. But if it stops swimming,the great white shark could drown! Unlike all other fish, which can remain immobile in water, the white shark needs toSwim constantly at aminimum speed of 35kilometres per hour.Otherwise, it would go straight down. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How can a blind read ?

  How can a blind read ? Visually challenged people develop an amazing  sense of touch. In the 19th century, Louis Braille, who lost his eyesight when he was just 3 years old, created an alphabet in which alphabets are represented by raised dots on paper. It is called 'Braille' and is 'read' with the help of your  fingertips. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Do elephants have a good memory ?

  Do elephants have a good memory ? You know the statement 'the memory of an elephant?  Well, it is true.  In fact, studies show that the animal does not forget what it has learnt from year to year and that the older it gets, the more its memory improves, like those of well developed monkeys and the elephants . Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How are lighthouses useful ?

How are lighthouses useful ? Lighthouses are situated in dangerous places on the coast or on isolated rocks. Thanks to them, sailors can pick out the dangers at night. Each sends out special flashes; by observing them, sailors can make out where they are located.  Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Why do we wash ourselves with soap ?

  Why do we wash ourselves with soap ? Water slides down our skin without removing all the dirt. Some soap particles can attach itself  to the dirt. They are connected to other dirty particles that fix themselves to the water. When rinsing the dirt detached from the skin then gets off easily. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.