
How are the cat’s whiskers useful ?

  How are the cat’s whiskers useful ?   The cat’s whiskers function like sensors, which send all kinds of information to the brain. Without them,the cat would becompletely lost! They help the cat localize the source of an odour, measure distance and even evaluate the wind force that indicates thekind of spring needed before jumping. These specialized hairs aid vision and help a kitty navigate his environment, providing additional sensory input, much like antennae on insects. "Although whiskers are called “tactile hairs”, they don't actually feel anything." Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

Do eggs always contain chicks ?

  Do eggs always contain chicks ?   The hen lays eggs almost every day, but only those that have been fertilized contain an embryonic chick. The majority of eggs bought in shops are unfertilized eggs and do not contain chicks. Much to contrary belief, neither fertilized nor unfertilized eggs contain chicks that are meant to be born. To make a chick, a hen has to mate with a rooster.  For a chick to be formed inside an egg, the fertilized egg needs to develop into an embryo. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How does the refrigerator keep cold ?

How does the refrigerator keep cold ?  The refrigerator does not produce 'cold', it removes heat. Liquid refrigerant' is circulated in the refrigerator, which becomes gaseous when passing through pipes. When this liquid become gaseous, it absorbs heat. And that helps in keeping the food items cold.   The compressor is the "heart" of a refrigerator. ... The evaporator is located inside a refrigerator and is the part that makes the items in the refrigerator cold. As the refrigerant turns from a liquid into a gas through evaporation, it cools the area around it, producing the proper environment for storing food. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

How often do the Scots wear kilts?

How often do the Scots wear kilts ? Most Scots wear this skirt called the kilt only for important occasions, Such as festivals, Distinguished Scottish families have each always had their own style of the kilt with special patterns and folds.  Today most Scottish people regard kilts as formal dress or national dress. Although there are still a few people who wear a kilt daily, it is generally owned or hired to be worn at weddings or other formal occasions and may be worn by anyone regardless of nationality or descent. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

At what age did Mozart learn to play their harpsichord ?

  At what age did Mozart learn to play their harpsichord ?   Born in 1756 in Austria, it was at the age of three that young Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart pounded on the harpsichord's keys, imitating his big sister like any other child might have done. His musician father started teaching him how to play at the age of four. Mozart loved it and right from the age of five, he began composing simple melodies  .  Young Mozart showed evidence of great musical talent at a very early age. He was playing the harpsichord and the violin at the age of five, and writing little pieces of music . Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates

How is sea water harvested ?

  How is sea water harvested ? The methods can be divided into membrane-based and thermal-based methods. The traditional process of desalination is distillation, of seawater to leave salt and impurities behind. The salt worker,who harvests the salt, introduces sea water into basins on the ground. The water evaporates in the Sun and leaves a fine layer of salt on the surface of the basins. The salt worker then harveststhe salt with a big toothless rake. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.

What is the difference between yoghurt and cream?

  What is the difference between yoghurt and cream ? 1. Yogurt is fermented milk, while sour cream is made of fermented dairy cream. 2. The bacteria introduced to make sour cream is different from the ones used in yogurt. When some harmless bacteria are introduced in milk, it ferments, Solidifies and changes taste: this is yogurt. Fresh cream is the fatty part of milk. It is separated from the rest by letting the milk stand, or by churning it very fast in a centrifuge. Kindly 🍀share 🍀 this informative message with your good friends. Kindly 🍀subscribe🍀 to my blog for further updates.